
Alain de Botton

However, anyone who has experienced the power of sex in general and internet pornography in particular to reroute our priorities is unlikely to be so sanguine about liberty. Pornography, like alcohol and drugs, weakens our ability to endure the kinds of suffering that...

Neil Postman on the Story That We Need

In the end, science does not provide the answers most of us require. Its story of our origins and our end is, to say the least, unsatisfactory. To the question, "How did it all begin?", science answers, "Probably by an accident." To the question, "How will it all...

The New Media

Facebook, Twitter, and Google ... have inadvertently created an electorate able, should it choose—and apparently it does—to read only the news that confirms its political instincts. This, too, has contributed to polarization and ignorance. —Claire Berlinski in City...

[John] Milbank’s fundamental double claim: first, that if God is who Christians say he is and if he has done what Christians say he has done, then theology, the science of God, presents the “metanarrative” of history, the organizing logic of all knowledge, with the right and responsibility to intervene to correct all other sciences; and, second, that modern theology has steadily ceded its terrain to secular thought, so that instead of positioning other sciences theology has been positioned by them and rendered itself superfluous.

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Leithart on Milbank

[John] Milbank’s fundamental double claim: first, that if God is who Christians say he is and if he has done what Christians say he has done, then theology, the science of God, presents the “metanarrative” of history, the organizing logic of all knowledge, with the...

The Naked Public Square

The public square, like nature, abhors a vacuum. If it is not filled with the lively expression of the most deeply held convictions of the people, including their convictions grounded in religion, it will be filled by the quasi-religious beliefs of secularism’ as...

Kevin Bauder on Love and Worship

Worship can be summed up in a single word: love. What else could love mean except to recognize the ultimate value of a thing, to delight and take pleasure in it, and to give one’s self to it in loyal trust? To worship a thing is to love it. Consequently, it is neither...

20121015.163211[All knowledge] proceeds out of faith. All science presupposes that we ourselves believe; presupposes a belief that the laws of thinking are correct; presupposes beliefs about life; and presupposes above all faith in the principles from which we proceed…. The conflict is not between faith and science, but between the claim that the present state of the cosmos is normal or abnormal…. It is not faith and science, but two scientific systems that stand, each with their own faith, over against each other…. They are both in earnest, disputing with each other across the entire domain of life and cannot desist from the attempt to pull to the ground the entire edifice of each other’s contradictory claims.

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Kuyper on Overlapping Magisteria

[All knowledge] proceeds out of faith. All science presupposes that we ourselves believe; presupposes a belief that the laws of thinking are correct; presupposes beliefs about life; and presupposes above all faith in the principles from which we proceed.... The...

Frame on Churches in Politics

[One] danger [for politically active churches], of course, is that churches will get so caught up in political activism that they lose sight of Christ. The solution is not to avoid political issues, but to see politics as [Abraham] Kuyper did, as an opportunity to...

Surprised by the Bible

My students are ... disproportionately unchurched (and unsynagogued and unmosqued). An astonishing number of them—15 out of 38 in the last class I asked—come to college having never set foot inside a house of worship. Despite the fact that they are extraordinarily...