My students are … disproportionately unchurched (and unsynagogued and unmosqued). An astonishing number of them—15 out of 38 in the last class I asked—come to college having never set foot inside a house of worship. Despite the fact that they are extraordinarily well-read, many of them have never opened a Bible and are entirely ignorant of its contents…. Often I encounter … variations on the theme of biblical illiteracy. Recently, one of my students reported that he was surprised to realize that the Bible wasn’t a thousand-page screed against Jews, abortions, and gay people. —Susan McWilliams in The City, Fall 2012 pp. 4-5
Bible Study Magazine Podcast Launches Today
Faithlife’s brand new Bible Study Magazine podcast, hosted by yours truly, launches today. The first season of twelve episodes (four available today; one released per week after this) is focused on how to achieve and promote biblical literacy. In the first episode, I...
We have become a caricature to the culture around us.