Help Attributing Al Mohler Quote

by Feb 10, 2015Culture, Homosexuality, Personal4 comments

Friends, I need to find the attribution for the following:

Al Mohler was being interviewed by a secular journalist. “Why are conservative Christians so hung up on homosexuality?” asked the journalist. “I don’t know that we are,” replied the Christian leader. “You’re the one who keeps bringing it up!”

I’m positive Al Mohler said this, but I can’t get the word-for-word quote because I cannot find the source. A friend who listens to Mohler’s podcasts remembers it, too. It was likely in “Thinking in Public” (which I listen to) or “The Briefing” (which my friend listens to). I do believe it was audio, not an article. And it may be as much as six years old (?). It’s definitely not recent. I think it may go back to the controversy over Lisa Miller’s Newsweek cover story in 2008.

I’ve searched Mohler’s website. I’ve contacted his office (no reply yet). Does anyone else remember this, and can you point me to the source? I need it for the new book my team is writing at BJU Press.

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  1. Mark Ward

    Thanks, Wesley! So close! He has in mind his own experience when he says,

    Why are Christians so concerned with homosexuality? In the first place, that question is answered by the simple fact that it is the most pressing moral question of our times. Christians must be concerned about adultery, pornography, injustice, dishonesty and everything the Bible names as sin. But when my phone rings with a call from a reporter these days, the question I am asked is never adultery or pornography. It is about homosexuality.

    But I know he told a story of a reporter actually asking him, “Why are you so hung up on this issue?”

  2. David Lowry

    I would suggest reaching out to @albertmohler on Twitter with a link to this post.

  3. Mark Ward

    bookme4life wins!

    Here’s the quote:

    Why are Christians so concerned about homosexuality? Let me tell you, I love it…when the secular media calls and asks me why we talk about this so much, because I don’t call the media; they call me! I’ve often told the anecdote of having a reporter who called me from a major national newspaper, and the first question he asked me early in the morning was about homosexuality, the second one was about homosexuality, and the third was, “Why is it that we’re talking about homosexuality?” And I said, “Because you called me and asked the questions!”

    And here’s the link.