
Christianity and Liberalism and Homosexuality

J.I. Packer’s first book, “Fundamentalism” and the Word of God, published when he was 32 years old in 1958, provides a brilliantly simple analysis of the three major approaches to Christian religious authority that were then, as now, on offer. Briefly, they were…. 1)...

The Story of Ἀρσενοκοίτης according to BDAG

The Story of Ἀρσενοκοίτης according to BDAG

The following is a paper I delivered at the Bible Faculty Summit. The “Puritan canopy” that once overarched our city-on-a-hill began to fray and tear apart long ago—though that canopy always had its gaps (and its cotton-poly blends with American civil religion).1 The...

MacCulloch on the Reformation and Homosexuality

At the very end of Diarmaid MacCulloch's magisterial (what other word is there for such a book?) The Reformation: A History, he offers some brief assessments of where the various Christian churches are today. This is one comment he makes about the movement that arose...

A Run-Down of Christian Resources on Homosexuality and Same-Sex Attraction

A friend is doing some study on same-sex attraction and asked me if I had any resource recommendations. Here's my reply. Here are a few things to look at: Phil Brown’s recent paper on homosexual desire. I haven’t yet read it, but I’ve been thinking that this is the...

Sloganeering: A Choose Your Own Adventure Post!

Sloganeering: A Choose Your Own Adventure Post!

This is a Choose Your Own Adventure Post. You make it what you want! See below! Not long ago my little budding reader, six years old, noticed in a liberal relative’s home a sign full of slogans. This is the one: He read it out loud flawlessly. I was rather impressed...

A Bracing Conversion Story

A lesbian at Yale starts exploring Christianity (a must read): At the time, I knew two girls who were seriously dating each other. One was training to be a Lutheran minister. I wanted to know how they could reconcile their lives with Jesus and his teachings. They...

Love Does Not Equal Tolerance of Whatever You Want to Do: A Prooftext

I like it when people think clearly enough to advert to their epistemological controls, their critical foundations. I think it's a rare gift in a world in which most educated people seem to hold tightly to moral relativism and scientistic absolutism at the same time,...

An Admitteldy One-Sided Conversation on Theological Liberalism

A liberal Catholic with a PhD from a liberal Catholic institution saw my article in Answers Magazine critiquing one of the more famous put-downs Richard Dawkins has made of Christians; he liked the article and wanted to dialogue with me. I acquiesced, but soon found...

A Must-Read Article on Female Characters in Popular Culture

Excerpts from a lengthy, incisive, must-read from Alastair Roberts: The supposed shallowness of pop culture is deceptive: It is a realm where brilliant and talented people go to try to shape minds at their most unguarded and impressionable. It is on the ground of...

Robert Gagnon vs. J. Daniel Kirk on Homosexuality

Note: You can download a 279MB audio version here. Valley Presbyterian Church of Phoenix, Arizona, a congregation of the Presybterian Church (USA) is having a formal, church-wide discussion regarding whether or not active homosexual persons will be permitted to serve...

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption Promo Video

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption now has a promo page on bjupress.com. If you haven't yet purchased a copy, you will want to do so now that there is a promo page. Bryan Smith, the presenter on the video there, is the one whose vision I was trying to live...

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption

I finally got my copy. It's the culmination of my nine years at BJU Press and the one book of mine most likely to actually get read: Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption, a 12th grade Bible textbook for Christian and home schools. But I can't say the book is...