This is What We Pay Andrée Seu For

by Mar 19, 2015Culture, Homosexuality, Theology

Excellent, from Andrée Seu Peterson:

Sometimes I wonder if the inventors of the other LGBT brand are a tad embarrassed. They keep having to add new letters to their acronym, and the more they tack on the weaker their case looks. In simpler days when it was merely an “L” and a “G,” their position seemed stronger because all they had to persuade us of was that some people are born with a hard-wired romantic orientation to the same sex. We were given assurances that if we granted “L” and “G” they would be happy and leave us alone, having achieved total self-actualization and a redressing of offenses against their long-aggrieved identities.

Then “B” came along, and they had to fairly sneak it in when no one was looking, because claiming that you have an orientation that goes both ways sounds a lot like saying you just like to fool around and you don’t care who with. Suddenly we are plunged from the high-minded early visions of ineluctable destiny to the shameful little man behind the curtain who used to cause knee-knocking with his smoke-and-mirror routine. There is a huge gap between campaigning on a manifest biological imperative (early “G” and “L”) and the later ravenous clamor for the right to anything-goes (“B”).

I don’t know how this never occurred to me (or anyone I know?) before, but Peterson proposes that we reclaim “LGBT” for Christian purposes: “Let God Be True though every one were a liar” (Rom. 3:4).

I never write a word about homosexuality without thinking of someone I know and truly respect (and, what’s more, like) who is an open homosexual. But no matter how much—and precisely because—I love this person, I will not wear the ribbon; we have not always been at war with Eastasia; and God says all sex outside heterosexual, monogamous marriage is immoral. Why do I care enough to risk speaking publicly (on an obscure fundamentalist blog) and even to put arguments in real ink-and-paper print? Because I want people to inherit the kingdom of God. Because, as a pastor, I see the harm sexual sin does to people even in this life.

I urge you to read Andrée Seu Peterson’s whole article.

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