Just discovered in a WordPress plugin the most popular words on my blog. I'm not sure if I'm proud of this list or not. Jesus ought to be higher...
Thank You, Stephen Jones
I had a unique vantage point for today's announcement from Stephen Jones that he would step down due to his ongoing health trials (see official word from BJU here). I was sitting on the FMA platform behind him waiting to receive my ten-year service award (a cool Seiko...
Get a Free Starbucks Coffee and Save Money on Cell Service
Get a free Starbucks Coffee just for letting my cellphone provider, Ting, tell you if they can save you money. And if you do sign up, use this link to save us both $25. Ting has the best customer service of any company I have ever encountered—they get back to you...
My Desktop
BibleWorks Seminar for Upstate, SC
I'm putting on a BibleWorks training seminar Saturday, October 26th for the Upstate, SC area. Details and sign-up here.
Google Reader Replacements
I've been using Google Reader since before Al Gore was born, but now that it's nearing its death (Monday), it's time to switch. I've tried a few alternatives over the past few months, and I'd like to make two recommendations: The Old Reader Feedly Each is nicely...
New Blog Design; New Mailing Design
If you're an RSS subscriber,check out my new blog design. The crown symbol is meant to represent the ultimate object of our faith, Jesus Christ the King. If you're an e-mail subscriber, I hope you like the new format. I'm now using a fantastic service called...
The New Blog Title
It just didn't work. After 3.5 years. βλογάπη as a blog name, I mean. People who don't know Greek understandably had no idea what was going on (I originally assumed only people who knew Greek would care to read the blog). People who did know Greek didn't always...
*The 1,000th Post Mega-Prize Giveaway!*
I have reached post 1,000 on my blog! A lot of those thousand posts are little things like links and quotes, but a lot of them are dense with prose I created myself, as bloggers do, using an old-fashioned recipe of 2 parts keyboard and 3 parts research opinions coming...
Forward Designer—Church Websites
A (fake, I think) Japanese T-shirt company has taken over my old design site, forwarddesigner.com, and I didn't want to pay the $69 to boot them out. So my new design site is forwarddesigner.net. If you are a small- to medium-size church that needs a website (which is...
Black Friday Deal for Bloggers
I use the Standard theme for my blog (as do Brian Collins and Andy Naselli, FWIW). It’s very well done. I ponied up $100 for the Support License so I could install it on other people’s sites. But till Monday, that license is only $69.30. And the basic, one-site...
Vote for Me!
I've just seen one of those rare birds, an Internet discussion that seems civil. And I'm in the rare bird! It's over at Quora, a pretty neat site I've not spent much time on but attracts higher-than-average-quality user-submitted answers to a wide range of...