Yesterday and today I’ve been watching some of the sessions of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission National Conference; they’re streaming live. Here’s the schedule. The theme is issues of gender and sexuality, which I happen to be writing on at this very moment. Some good stuff. I generally get help from Russell Moore, and he’s assembled some leading conservative lights on these issues. There’s a lot of pressure on conservative Christianity to adjust its perspective, and we’d better make sure we’re standing on the Bible before the price for doing so rises under the forces of moral inflation.
Review: Abigail Favale on the Genesis of Gender
The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory by Abigail Rine Favale My rating: 4 of 5 stars Really excellent. Fascinating personal story: So-called “Christian feminism” is, too often, secular feminism with a light Jesus glaze on top, a cherry-picked biblical garnish....