Stanley Fish Paper Published in Answers Research Journal

by Jul 10, 2013Mission, NTScholarship, Theology3 comments

I’ve been kind of super excited about this… I have finally thrown my tiny pebble into the pond! Now I’m just waiting to watch the ripples.

Well, it’s probably more like this: I have finally thrown my grain of sand into the ocean! Now I’m just waiting to be bitten by a jellyfish.

I have published an article on apologetics and Stanley Fish in the Answers Research Journal. Here’s the page on which you’ll find it (pages 265–278, toward the bottom). And here’s a direct link to the PDF.

Click here to download PDF.

Click here to download.

It was a very nice experience. I especially appreciated the feedback I got; editor Andrew Snelling was able to locate a “peer” reviewer who actually studied under Fish, and his evaluation made me breathe a sigh of relief: I always feared that someone who really gets Fish would read my stuff and say, “He doesn’t get Fish.” One reviewer also offered some helpful critical feedback on the apologetics angle, feedback that offered me some avenues of further exploration.

Now, would somebody please read this pebble and send me a ripple or two?

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  1. Tim Miller

    Congrats. I enjoyed hearing you read it last year at the BFS. Was disappointed that BFS never materialized this year. Anyway, great paper!

    • Mark L Ward Jr

      Yeah, I was bummed about the Summit being scuttled this year, too. =( Hope to see you there next year!

  2. Jeremy Patterson

    Congratulations! Keep publishing.