The Dwarfs Are for the Dwarfs: Stanley Fish the Pragmatic Presuppositionalist

by Aug 13, 2012Culture, Theology

DSC01057Two weeks ago I had the privilege of presenting a paper on Stanley Fish—here’s a recording—to a group of well-trained Bible professors with whom I had warm fellowship: the Bible Faculty Leadership Summit. They welcomed this newbie graciously and gave me good advice about my paper during the Q&A time (which is not included in the recording).

I was particularly impressed with the level of biblical and theological knowledge on display during the question and answer sessions. Presenters are expected to know a thing or two about their paper topics (and they certainly did), but numerous faculty there demonstrated that they could discourse knowledgeably about fairly narrow topics in multiple fields.

It would not be possible to agree with everything presented at the conference; presenters disagreed among themselves sometimes. But the spirit was entirely collegial, and the staff at Northland Graduate School did a particularly good job of organizing the details and hosting us all.

I plan to turn this paper into a journal article very soon. It was great fun to put together (and I wish to thank the blogger over at for his excellent criticisms).

Click here to download the recording.

Update: Here’s the final, published paper from Answers Research Journal.

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