Installing Logos Resources Without a Lot of Rigmarole

by Feb 29, 2008Uncategorized2 comments

I just bought the Theological Journal Library, vols. 1-10. I had 1-8, so the upgrade only cost me 80 bucks or so direct from Galaxie Software. Great resource. I find I use the book reviews a lot, and frequently I avoid a trip to the library by looking up a citation on my own laptop. (Incidentally, they now offer a $50/year online subscription: pretty cool, but I’ve already plunked down too much money on the CDs.)

But I’ve got a problem. I just wanted to add the resources to my library, so I copied them into my Libronix/Resources/Journals/TJL folder (I’m really fastidious like that). But now they’re locked. So I have to unlock them but I can’t connect to the Libronix servers through my work’s proxy. I could have installed the resources through the official route, but I’d like to think I’m pretty computer savvy (IIDSSM) and yet I always get frustrated with it.

Oh, that every program were as lithe as BibleWorks. Oh, BibleWorks, Logos will never take your place in my heart—or at the top of my Start Menu.


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  1. Phil Gons

    Installing and activating a new CD product takes about a minute. Certainly that doesn’t qualify for rigmarole, does it? If your work blocks the connection, isn’t your frustration misdirected? If you’re having trouble, you could always call or email customer service and have them activate it for you and send you your license file via email.

  2. Mark L Ward Jr

    Now more than two years on I can say that I love Logos 4. It has completely removed the mystery and frustration I experienced with installing Logos resources in the past. Even if it was my own fault!