
This is What We Pay Andrée Seu For

Excellent, from Andrée Seu Peterson: Sometimes I wonder if the inventors of the other LGBT brand are a tad embarrassed. They keep having to add new letters to their acronym, and the more they tack on the weaker their case looks. In simpler days when it was merely an...

Cutting Both Ways

One big thing I like about presuppositionalism is that it gives me these special gloves—gauntlets, I guess—that I can use in one of two ways. I can throw them down, of course. But I can also catch swords when they're swung at me. I catch the sword, pull it out of my...

Human Rights and Responsibilities

I thought this was really insightful: The latter—the teaching of natural law and natural rights—is the view from the American founding. We may take our bearings from the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, which speaks of “the Laws of Nature and of...

Fundamentalist Scholarship

I'm assigning this article on evangelical theological scholarship by BJU PhD grad Andy Naselli as required reading for all PhD students at BJU, and for all PhD grads who aren't older than me—along with a series of essays on the same topic by Kevin Bauder (if you...

Christian Apologetics Already Ceding Ground to Secularism

I'm really enjoying James K. A. Smith's How (Not) to Be Secular: Reading Charles Taylor. Smith is a guide to Protestants who want some help from Taylor's massive A Secular Age but who don't have the gumption to wade through it all. And I just keep highlighting and...

Affection Drives Cognition

As we say at BJU Press, affection drives cognition. And it's nice to hear scientistic materialists coming close to saying so. Frequently they arrive at truth despite themselves because, even if they suppress it, their microscopes are still by necessity trained on...

Good Kindle Deals

There have been some really great Kindle deals on worthwhile books this last week. What did I actually buy? Somehow I managed to say no to the strong temptation to add to my collection of evangelical Amish romance novels, and I got the books below instead. These first...

Layton Talbert on Janet Mefferd Show

Click through, and starting around 20 minutes, you'll hear my respected professor and fellow church member, Layton Talbert, discuss divine providence with Janet Mefferd.

When Scholarly Arguments about Homosexuality Are Inaccessible

No matter what field of study you name, there will be people in it who are arguing over your head—even if it's your own field of study, the one you trained in. There are countless topics in the broad field of biblical studies that I am not qualified to say much if...

A Giant Leap for Mankind

Twenty-four men made it to the moon between 1969 and 1972. Only twenty-four men in history have seen the earth from the surface of another world. Here are the reflections of three of them on the significance of their experience (from 1:30:00ish in this fascinating...

Five Reasons not to Sign the Evangelicals for Marriage Equality Petition

It didn't take a prophet to predict this. So I'm not handing in my cessationist credentials when I point out that I did in fact say this was coming: an organized group of evangelical Christians has come out with a legal argument for same-sex "marriage," one which...

Review: Art and Music: A Student’s Guide

Art and Music: A Student's Guide by Paul Munson My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was really an excellent little book. Accessible, perceptive, engaging, and rooted in that Christian intellectual tradition this little Crossway series is aiming to reclaim. It loses one star...