Is the Textus Receptus Perfect in Every Jot and Tittle? Ambrose vs. Scrivener
The following article is a slightly modified version of a lecture I delivered at BJU Seminary in Greenville, SC, on Nov 1, 2021.The particular edition of the Greek New Testament used in all sectors of KJV-Onlyism is called “Scrivener’s,” because it was put together by a scholar who had that particular perfect, Dickensian name. (The word scrivener in related to the word scribe; in the past it meant notary or clerk [pronounced “clark” in British English, just so you know; that long confused me...

Identity: A Biblical Worldview of Yourself (Part 2: Biblical Teaching)
I delivered the following sermon at Tri-County Bible Church in Madison, Ohio, pastored by my longtime, respected friend Joe Tyrpak. Watch or read. Or both. Or neither. It's ok.It’s a distinct honor to serve you today. I have known your pastor since I was 16 or 17 years old. He was a sophomore graphic design major when I was a freshman. And that same kind smile he has now he had then. There was a gravity to him, like he had somehow found the grown-up pills and taken three of them before I even...

Why My Church Has Closed
I am an extremely minor public figure, sort of semi-public. Sort of like the Richard Dean Anderson of redheaded Christian YouTubers. The guy you sort of think maybe you’ve heard of, but you can’t place him. So I need to make a small semi-public statement about the recent closing of my church. People wonder; people ask; people are concerned for me. But the great thing is, it’s a good story of God’s kind and clear providence, with real blessing at the end. In short, God called our pastor, Tom...

Identity: A Biblical Worldview of Yourself (Part 1: Cultural Analysis)
I delivered the following talk during the Sunday school hour at Tri-County Bible Church in Madison, Ohio, pastored by my longtime, respected friend Joe Tyrpak. Watch or read. Or both. Or neither—and skip to the end for some book recommendations.Today in Sunday school and in the morning service, Pastor Joe has invited me to come speak to you about the topic of identity. I've written on this topic in a middle school Bible textbook for BJU Press that my own 6th grader is now reading and actually...

Great Quote from Timothy George
Timothy George in his Galatians commentary in the NAC: The fact that this word [Abba] is given here [in Gal 4:6], and also in Rom 8:15, in both Aramaic and Greek indicates the bilingual character of early Christian worship. Throughout the history of the church various Christian groups have attempted to canonize one particular language as the authorized sacred tongue of religious discourse. Some Orthodox Christians have done that with Greek, traditional Roman Catholics with Latin, and certain...