Review: Brand New CSB Reader’s Bible
I now own seven separate reader’s Bibles (not counting the many I can make digitally in Logos and other apps), and I wish for the world to know that I got on the reader’s Bible bandwagon before there was one, back in 2006 (?) when it was more like a soloist cart. And the sad/funny thing was that until I received the CSB Reader’s Bible this very morning, the first reader’s Bible I ever got was the best. It was my TNIV Books of the Bible—despite its odd paperback covers and its odd typeface that...

Should I Sign A Reforming Catholic Confession?
A friend writes: I am confused and maybe I have jumped to conclusions about the Catholic Confession of Faith issue. But, it sounds like we, as conservatives, are tying to come together with Catholics. Is that the way I am to take it? Or, am I wrong? I certainly hope that isn't what this is all about. Friend, it’s humble of you to ask rather than jumping to conclusions. The thing is, you’re wrong and right to be suspicious. Here’s where I think you’d do better to be happy with what you see, and...
Conservatives and Liberals in Biblical Studies
Josh Berman, professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University and author of the Oxford title Inconsistency in the Torah: Ancient Literary Convention and the Limits of Source Criticism, writes: In biblical studies, there are two types of practitioners: genuine scholars, and conservative scholars. The former are presumed innocent, motivated only by the disinterested and rigorous search for truth and guided solely by the dictates of rational inquiry, unmodified and uncontaminated by ideology. The latter...

Social Justice’s Warrior Children
David Brooks: The mob that hounded [Google engineer James] Damore was like the mobs we’ve seen on a lot of college campuses. We all have our theories about why these moral crazes are suddenly so common. I’d say that radical uncertainty about morality, meaning and life in general is producing intense anxiety. Some people embrace moral absolutism in a desperate effort to find solid ground. They feel a rare and comforting sense of moral certainty when they are purging an evil person who has...
Review: Deep Work
Deep work is becoming "increasingly valuable in our economy." Knowledge workers have to set themselves apart from each other in order to succeed, and the myriad electronic temptations out there, social media foremost among them, are frittering away our best work time. This is a helpful (if occasionally tired) point, and Cal Newport's personal example of dedication to productivity is inspiring. He offers practical advice for taming the intrusion of electronics and aiming one's time toward goals...