Proof of what is unseen.



Proof of what is unseen.


Endorsements for Authorized

My new book is out in all major print and digital formats. Order now at Amazon Order now at Logos Check out reviews at Goodreads. I've been trying to pick a moment when it was "born"... Was it when my favorite seminary professor said, "You prefer the Textus Receptus? Fine. Make a new translation of it"? Was it when my long-time pastor called the KJV an "impediment" to Bible study? Was it when I watched thousands of kids at a Christian camp memorize a verse I knew they didn't understand? Yes,...

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Wise Words from Lesslie Newbigin on Pluralism and Secularism

I'm listening to Lesslie Newbigin's Foolishness to the Greeks (Eerdmans, 1988). My local library had it among their digital audio loans, and I thought it was high time I went through a Newbigin book. The book comes from lectures he delivered in Princeton's Warfield lectures of 1984—and yet it sounds like things that didn't hit the evangelical mainstream for a decade or more after that. Remarkable. (Newbigin makes dismissive comments about fundamentalism,  particularly its supposedly blinkered...

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Some Thoughts on Some Thoughts on the Future of Christian Higher Ed

Some Thoughts on Some Thoughts on the Future of Christian Higher Ed

Alan Jacobs and Carl Trueman are probably right to fear that the sexual revolution will "annihilate" a number of Christian institutions of higher learning once discrimination for sexual orientation fully and officially becomes the new racism. But my alma mater survived the loss of its tax-exemption; I do think there are Christian parents who will be willing to send their children off to schools that are unaccredited. I was born to a pair, both of whom were college-educated and knew what they...

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Christians Should Be the Most Gracious and Edifying People on Social Media

I like Alastair Roberts. Here's some wisdom for you (emphasis mine): Progressive versus conservative evangelical spats are one of the very worst things about Twitter, which is really saying something. Such arguments illustrate just how poor a medium Twitter can be for productive conversation, not least on account of its tendency to foreground some of the shrillest and most antagonistic voices on both sides and privilege reactive instinct over considered response. What results is generally more...

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