Proof of what is unseen.



Proof of what is unseen.



I highly recommend this new site and the method of exegesis it explains. I use it, too, though typically in a different format more suited for my tools (namely Word and Excel). But now that I have an online tool I might switch! Going through a closely-reasoned epistle, isolating propositions, and naming their relationships forces me to ask questions of the text that even a careful reading may not have raised. You could use the arcing method even as a high school student. If you're a seminary...

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The Grace Evangelical Society vs. Mark Minnick

I have a post planned in which I will urge you to listen to preaching by my pastor, Mark Minnick. One of the major reasons you should listen to him, especially if you're training for the ministry, is that he is aware of the theological currents swirling about, and they inform his exegesis. He spoke strongly on Sunday morning against the following view (without ever naming names; that's not his way): No act of obedience, preceding or following faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, such as commitment...

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Frame’s Triadic View of Ethics

John Frame's Doctrine of the Christian Life is a very helpful book, perhaps a better introduction to his (so-far) trilogy than the one that came out first, the Doctrine of the Knowledge of God. Leastways, as Bilbo might say, I found it easier! Frame argues that non-Christian ethicists fall into three camps, three ways of deriving an ethical "ought" from an empirical "is," the things they see and experience. The best of them inhabit all three camps, but all tend to privilege one over the...

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Ubiquity Working on Me

Mozilla Labs' Ubiquity is working on me. The day it came out I was foolishly dismissive because it isn't as fast as Firefox's Keyword Search. That's still true, but it does more than keyword searching, and even for keyword searching it provides some helpful added functionality. Here are four tools I like: 1. Amazon Lookup I'm forever looking up books on Amazon. Sometimes I just need a full, exact title. I don't need to go all the way to Amazon to get it, and Ubiquity helps me get just that...

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