Proof of what is unseen.



Proof of what is unseen.


Why I Am Writing My Dissertation, no. 2

I've already shared one blatant denial of my dissertation's thrust, courtesy of a high school Bible textbook. Here are five somewhat less blatant ones from the same book: Love is centered in the will, not the emotions; one who loves gives without reservation, for he places another’s well-being above his own. .... Love is not an emotion, but an act of the will. Feelings may ebb and flow, but love remains constant. .... Biblical love....involves solemn commitment...and is most clearly evidenced...

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Five Famous Edwards Sermons

A friend recently mentioned to me that he had to read five Jonathan Edwards sermons for class. I've been getting more into Edwards for dissertation research (and for personal enrichment and enjoyment!) over the last while, so here's what I recommended. Four are famous, the last is just helpful: A Divine and Supernatural Light: Edwards's very important contribution here (this lowly blogger thinks) is that regeneration provides the soul with a taste for divine things that it did not and could...

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Chambers and Creationism

Another great quotation from Whittaker Chambers that has come to my mind many, many times: I date my break [from Communism, which Chambers lived for and which, he says, was inherently atheist] from a very casual happening. I was sitting in our apartment on St. Paul Street in Baltimore. It was shortly before we moved to Alger Hiss's apartment in Washington. My daughter was in her high chair. I was watching her eat. She was the most miraculous thing that had ever happened in my life. I liked to...

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The Wildflowers Declare the Glory of God

Do you want to be more holy? I do, I know I do. That is one thing that comforts me about the state of my soul: blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness—even if they never quite attain it in practice. Paul said that the way to grow to be more like the standard for holiness, God Himself, is to behold Him in Scripture (2 Cor. 3:18). So let's behold one little part of His character together. I saved this little Philip Yancey quotation—round up the usual disclaimers—years ago in...

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Theologically Exhausted

I've just had the longest post famine in the history of my blog (excluding my honeymoon), I believe. I'm afraid I'm currently focused on work and dissertation, both of which have required significant attention recently. But I can't let my blog readers—both of you!—miss this great quotation, which I just placed in the new Bible Truths 12th grade textbook on worldview. The anecdote comes from Whittaker Chambers' famous book Witness. Chambers gained his notoriety from his writing skill (notably...

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