Fish on Facebook and Free Speech
Free speech issues have made the news recently as political tensions rise—along with distrust in and fatigue with social media. No one has helped me understand the issues at stake better than Stanley Fish. His Winning Arguments is very helpful, and this article from Fish on Mark Zuckerberg may whet your appetite for more Fish. And if you need help appropriating Fish into a Christian framework, I'm your redheaded man.

Bible Study Magazine Podcast Launches Today
Faithlife’s brand new Bible Study Magazine podcast, hosted by yours truly, launches today. The first season of twelve episodes (four available today; one released per week after this) is focused on how to achieve and promote biblical literacy. In the first episode, I talk to Kevin Vanhoozer about biblical illiteracy—and I manage to sneak in a reference to Stanley Fish. Other episodes talk about the story of the Bible, canon, textual criticism, and other topics relevant to biblical literacy....

It Happened Again with the KJV
I’m almost done with a year-long project writing a BJU Press Bible textbook on biblical worldview for sixth graders. I needed to quote a verse that helps them understand that Christians are called to live lives of practical good works for their neighbors. I turned to Titus 3:14. Here it is in the English Standard Version: And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful. This comes in a list of short instructions. There...

Four New ESV Editions, Or, How Does Crossway Do It?
I work for a Christian publisher, and we have made Bibles of various kinds. If you could listen to our internal discussions, you would hear quickly that Crossway sets the standard for Bible publishing. More beautiful typography and more innovative editions have come from Crossway than from any other organization serving the Bible-reading public. The most popular post in the history of my blog is an implicit argument that the ESV’s market share among Bible readers has a lot to do with...

Review: Write Better, by Andrew T. Le Peau
Andrew Le Peau is surely qualified to write a book on writing better: he has been an editor at IVP for forty years. But I hope I’m qualified to say that (most of) the book, though fine, didn’t scratch where I personally itch. His advice for the first two thirds of the book is fairly standard, his examples as well. If you’ve never read such a book, Le Peau will serve you well. If you need to hear, “Reading widely and learning from experienced, educated authorities can be invaluable,” Le Peau...