How to Read More Books in 2020
I was asked by a friend to write this. Thirty minutes later, here it was: Watch less TV. Don't let it be your default evening activity. Love higher and better things.Don’t let social media be your default activity either. I periodically delete my Facebook app, and on my iPad I have it set to turn off after thirty minutes of daily use (which is still probably too much).Think of your mind as a colander with a tight mesh; your goal is to keep filling it full of broth. Yeah, most of it leaks out,...

KJV-Only People Are Asking the Same Questions I Am about the Readability of the KJV
The UK’s Trinitarian Bible Society is one of the most serious and sober KJV-Only organizations active today. They are involved in Bible translation projects around the world. It is their printing of Scrivener’s Greek New Testament that is used in all KJV-Only educational institutions that teach Greek. The TBS is also probably the most academically responsible institution promoting KJV-Onlyism. Compared to a not insignificant number of (especially) American defenders of the KJV, their rhetoric...

Another False Friend
When you know a helpful label and understand the phenomenon it is naming, you see that phenomenon better than you did before. So it is with the central concept of Authorized: "false friends." I was just reading the KJV, and I saw another false friend. Can you find it below in John 8:44? Betcha you can't without reading Greek—or a contemporary translation! It’s actually the little word will. In a context like this, today, “ye will do” means “you will do it in the future,” or “you customarily...

Answering Moe the Internet Bully
Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes fame was sometimes targeted for abuse by a bully, Moe. Unfortunately, Calvin's clever retorts usually came to him hours after Moe's initial taunts. I've got a parallel situation: a minor instance of woke bullying was directed at me a few weeks ago, and I couldn't answer as I wished because the bullying happened in a forum I'm not really free to speak in as I might wish—and the best answers didn't occur to me immediately. I was posting my announcement of a new...

Is Christianity True Truth, Or Is It an Evolutionarily Successful Archetype?
A friend of mine is something of a seeker, entertaining and exploring Christian faith and often apparently inhabiting it—but still struggling in a move from darkness to light. That’s the best way I know how to describe him. He wrote me an eloquent letter in which he used his training in philosophy to wonder out loud if Christianity is merely a set of Jungian archetypes, a set of myth-making stories that echo something deep in the human psyche that somehow over evolutionary millennia we have...