Help Me Help You
This blog has shifted over time to reflect the interests of its proprietor. I use it as much as a "weblog"—a journal of my own thoughts, a means of forming those thoughts—as I do anything else. I search my own blog all the time for quotes and illustrations to use in other writing. But I want to serve you, my readers (one of whom told me years ago that the "both of you readers" joke is old, so I won't use it here). So tell me what you want me to talk about. What brings you here? Are you okay...

Honesty and Dishonesty; Inerrancy and Errancy
An ex-evangelical acquaintance of mine recently posted a link to an academic journal article critiquing inerrantist biblical scholars. It contained this paragraph: Well, turnabout is fair play, especially with insufferably tendentious arguments. (I'm sorry: I believe in graciousness, I do, but there's got to be some room for "hating…with perfect hatred" those who hate God a la Psalm 139:22. My blood boils when I see supercilious ex-evangelical patronization of those like me who still ardently...

Brand New Biblical Worldview Book for 6th Graders
A brand new book I wrote this past year, Basics for a Biblical Worldview has just been released. It's a sixth grade biblical worldview textbook for BJU Press. For this project I was privileged to rejoin as a freelancer the team I was on at BJU Press for nine years, the Biblical Worldview Team. I really need to underline that I didn't write this book like I wrote Authorized; that book was an individual effort while this one was decidedly a team effort. For this new book I wrote according to a...

Answering a Question I Get All the Time: The Places to Start in Studying New Testament Textual Criticism
Updated February, 2024. I regularly get questions just like this: Mark, I am thankful for your book Authorized, which I recently finished. I currently pastor a church that is KJV-Only and I am personally reviewing that position for myself and in the future of possibly leading the church in a different direction. I have not yet come to a fully formulated position but I am getting closer each day. I know that you have purposefully avoided the textual side of the debate, but would you have any...

What is Your Position on Complementarianism and Egalitarianism?
A female professor of Christian ministry just sent me a survey to fill out. I don't consider myself an expert in this area, but I certainly have tried to be responsible—this is one of those places where the battle over truth is fiercest in my generation. Here were my answers. What is your position on complementarianism and egalitarianism? Strongly complementarian ✔Moderately complementarianModerately egalitarianStrongly egalitarianNeither complementarian nor egalitarian Briefly explain the...