
A Smattering of Notes on Free Will

Augustine in 426 wrote On Grace and Free Will. Erasumus wrote a book in 1524 called On the Freedom of the Will. Luther, an Augustinian, replied in 1525 with his book, On the Bondage of the Will. Edwards wrote a book in 1754 called Freedom of the Will, yes, but the...

What Is the Chief End of Man?

What did the authors of the Westminster Catechism mean by "enjoy" in their first question? Did they mean what we mean by the word—"to take delight in"? Or did they in fact mean something different, "to give joy to"? Is man's chief end "to glorify God and give joy to...

The Christian Science Monitor on the New Calvinism

The Christian Science Monitor (which, by the way, has little to do with Christian Science and is a respected mainstream news source): Much of modern Christianity preaches a comforting Home Depot theology: You can do it. We can help. Epitomized by popular titles...

Andy Crouch on Postures and Gestures

Over the last few months since work (and baby!) deadlines led me to drop Andy Crouch’s Culture Making, waiting to pick it up again some day soon, I’ve thought many times about his model for describing typical Christian cultural engagement. He sees four typical...

Excellent Insights on Biblical Literacy

His set of buzzwords is a bit different from mine, but his insights are profoundly needed: David R. Nienhuis' article in Modern Reformation on how to promote biblical literacy is a great read. He points to our entertainment culture as one reason even evangelical kids...

Love Your Neighborhood as Yourself

At the turn of each new year, our whole church gathers together for Sunday School for several weeks. It’s a chance to touch special topics that the pastoral staff and elders want everyone to hear about. One of those is the set of outreach ministries we have to the...


A friend sent my request for help to a friend, and the lost egalitarian/complementarian illustration has been found! (Thank you!) Only my memory didn’t serve me with 100% accuracy. Here’s the original: David Gushee did not convert to complementarianism, but perhaps...

Carl Trueman States the Fundamentalist Position

Carl Trueman is having a friendly but serious and important debate with Paul Helm. Both are conservative evangelical men, but as American conservative Christians tend to fall on either side of the Billy Graham issue, so British Christians like Trueman and Helm fall on...

The Courage to Be Catholic

At the behest of a flashing sign on Wade Hampton, I’ve been listening to EWTN (Eternal World Television Network) radio. EWTN was founded in 1981 by a nun in full habit, Mother Angelica, and now broadcasts over both TV and radio. As you listen to their many radio...

Righteousness and True Healthiness

James Barr in the iconoclastic The Semantics of Biblical Language: A regular church-goer is likely sooner or later to hear an interpretation of the word “holy,” which is of course frequent in the English Bible, as “basically” or “originally” or “properly” meaning...

Web MD

The David Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recording Trust has got a new look since the last time I surfed over there. Check it out.

Aniol in Themelios on Chapell

The new Themelios is out. Along with the always excellent Carson editorial and Trueman essay, Scott Aniol has written a helpful summary of Bryan Chapell’s book Christ-Centered Worship. I hope Scott will provide a little more evaluation of the book over at his own...