
Check Out the New Frame-Poythress Site!

I've received a lot of benefit from the works of John Frame and Vern Poythress, so when I noticed that their site design was sending out a 1996 vibe, I e-mailed their webmaster and offered my services. The result is finally up! Check it out! There are tons of great...

Run Windows on Your Mac (PC Owners Ignore)

I think I have a good deal for someone who needs it! I'm trying to sell my copies of Parallels 6 and Windows Vista Business. They have worked admirably together on my iMac for quite some time (this software is guaranteed for dissertation production), but I no longer...

A Post for My Mother-in-Law

I just installed the brand-new Standard Theme 3 on my blog, and I want to take this opportunity to use its image-posting template to show off a cute girl who lives at my house. She is a true blessing from the Lord.

It Gets Better

One of my favorite teachers in college (who I think was my wife’s only teacher in college, she took so many of his classes) told a story that I have thought about many times. It seems an older single missionary lady somehow revealed to her superiors that she had...

Bless You!

A true story, happened yesterday: I was preaching from Romans 11 in the small evangelistic ministry I lead; I teach the adult class. During this Romans series I have frequently reminded my listeners of God’s promises to Abraham. At one point, I asked them, “What did...

“Fervency Is Not a Word, Rand”

Do you ever feel a pang of regret when a certain memory flits across your mind? I won't begin to share all my examples—I typically take them to the Lord alone. But here's one. And don't laugh. Once upon a time, I was a counselor at the Wilds Christian Camp and...

Congratulations, Greenville!

My humble home town makes the front page of the New York Times! That home looks like it’s in Dellwood—that’s my best guess. Not a lot of Newt fans in West Greenville, I don’t think… Or beach cruisers.

Happy Belated Birth Announcement

When you go from zero kids to one, Daddy still gets extra time for blogging because the newborn needs to be bounced to sleep every night while Mommy rests. But when you go from one to two, there’s no time for that. Or anything. Even finishing this senten So I’m sorry...

The Pastor and His Technology

My friend Dr. Bob Gonzales is the Academic Dean at Reformed Baptist Seminary, whose upstate SC modules meet down the street from my neighborhood. He’s asked me to deliver two little lectures at their upcoming module, and they say “auditors are invited.” I think that...

Good Reads

I’m becoming a big fan of GoodReads. It’s a social network built around one of my major interests—reading—instead of around… around… Oh, bother. What is Facebook built around?! Cute toddler antics, I guess—or at least that’s what my friends are most interested in...

BJU Press CHART Seminar on a Christian View of Literature

Just got this in the mail! Looks sort of cool, I guess! Feel free to join in! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Join us for November's online seminar: Shaping a Biblical Worldview Through the Study of Literature Presenter: Mark Ward...