I love reading Stanley Fish's long blog posts on the New York Times web site. A recent post of his reviewed a book which, apparently, repeats Stephen Jay Gould's argument that religion and science are "non-overlapping magisteria" (NOMA)—that is, two separate things...
Frame on Helm on Providence
John Frame in a review of Paul Helm’s The Providence of God (Leicester, U. K.: Inter-Varsity Press, 1993. 241pp.) Doesn't Scripture sometimes represent God as "taking risks," being ignorant, changing his mind, giving people the power to resist his will?...
The Greatest Preacher of the Century
I was editing a lesson for the 12th grade Bible textbook put out by BJU Press, and I formulated a critical thinking question to go with the material: “According to this lesson, what rule is Charles Spurgeon an exception to? Why was he an exception?” The general rule I...
Just Do Something: How to Make a Decision without Cabbage-Reading
By [Jonathan] Edwards' time witchcraft and the preternatural had almost disappeared from clerical attention. In 1690 Cotton Mather could preach about a prodigious cabbage root he had seen that had one branch shaped like a cutlass, another like a rapier, and another...
Righteousness and True Healthiness
James Barr in the iconoclastic The Semantics of Biblical Language: A regular church-goer is likely sooner or later to hear an interpretation of the word “holy,” which is of course frequent in the English Bible, as “basically” or “originally” or “properly” meaning...
Logos 4 Seminar
Do you have the new Logos 4 but need some training on how to use it? Do you want personal attention from a B.S.N.-certified trainer? (B.S.N. = Bible Software Nerd.) Come to my Logos seminar January 23 at Heritage Bible Church in Greer, SC. You can sign up at my...
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Beale and Carson explain what they will not cover in their preface to the Commentary on the New Testament use of the Old Testament: We have not summarized the extraordinarily complex developments in the field of typology since Leonhard Goppelt wrote his 1939 book...
Aniol in Themelios on Chapell
The new Themelios is out. Along with the always excellent Carson editorial and Trueman essay, Scott Aniol has written a helpful summary of Bryan Chapell’s book Christ-Centered Worship. I hope Scott will provide a little more evaluation of the book over at his own...
Logos 4
Logos has put out a new version of their software, and they’ve added two new packages to their line-up. I’m hoping that the new engine will be faster and slicker than the old. It appears from the promo video that this is so! But my advice to potential buyers comes in...
Last Note from the Tilt-A-Whirl!
Nathan Wilson quotes Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, then he invents an instructive dialogue between two students evaluating it: Kant’s categorical imperative: Act only according to maxims which you can desire to be universal. Student One: That doesn’t make...
Can’t Stop Tilting
Nathan Wilson feels sorry for the philosopher who urged the good riddance of the weak, only to end up deranged himself, cared for by his sister: I have never been irritated by Nietzsche, never annoyed. At his most blasphemous, at his most riotously hateful and...
Save $100 on BibleWorks 8
I just received the following announcement from the BJU Campus Store, and I’m passing it on to BJU students as an FYI. (I used to run this program at BJU; you can now direct all inquiries to Joseph Markey as stated below.) If your school has 10 or more people...