Whereas it is a common and salutary practice for writers of biblical scholarship to thank those who helped them with an article or book, and
Whereas it is also common for said writers to add at the end of their thank-yous something like, “Any faults are of course my own,” and
Whereas I have reached a tipping point with such disclaimers, and
Whereas such disclaimers were probably not necessary in the first place because everyone already knew that your faults were your own and that no one agrees with you 100%,
Be it therefore resolved that no biblical scholars need add any disclaimers to their thank-yous, whether in book prefaces or journal article footnotes.
Mark L. Ward, Jr.
Taylors, South Carolina
December 18, 2010
So what about your dissertation?
Yeah, in that case the errors in my dissertation are indeed someone else’s fault, I’m sure… But how do I say that in the acknowledgments? That would be awkward.