A Touching Letter from a YouTube Viewer

by Nov 17, 2024KJV0 comments

I’m done addressing KJV-Onlyism at the popular level on December 31, 2024 (with a few little exceptions I mention in my wrap-up video), so I’m clearing out my files—and posting a few scripts that never made it to the channel.


I receive many touching letters like this:

I graduated from [a Christian college] in 2001. After the first semester of my sophomore year I decided [that that Christian college] might not be for me. I went back home to NC and studied at the local community college. That summer I was still on the hook to work at the Wilds [Christian camp]. Arriving and going through the initial training I realized something happened at PCC and it had everyone upset [editor’s note: he’s talking about PCC’s Leaven in Fundamentalism videos, a major push for KJV-Onlyism at the school]. I was confused but didn’t say much.


After the Wilds I went back to NC and decided to join the Army Reserves as a part-time gig. The following semester I went back to [that first Christian college] and finished it out in 2001. After my wife and I married I went on active duty and eventually ended up in [another country] for a little over a year. During that time I picked up a book by Bart Ehrman about Scripture discrepancies. My faith that was shaken that summer at the Wilds now was coming apart. I remember the fear of everything being a lie. I was angry and sad. Over time I found my way back but with a lingering doubt that the devil would often bring to mind.


Your work and careful study on the study of translation has breathed new confidence in God’s Word for me… I pleaded to God for answers…. you have indirectly helped me in my journey with tools that I did not have.


This subject is so sensitive that I suspect many are out there like me but without a voice or tools to deal with the problem.


Please forgive my broken sentences and misspelled words…maybe you will still understand.


By the way, my family and I are active in the local church and have every intent to serve Him well. I’m an officer in the [armed services] and hope to retire from active duty in [a few years].


Praying for you… if I were the enemy I would do everything I could to stop you. A good soldier knows his enemy. Please be careful!


May sound crazy but if I can help let me know.



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