Harrowing Testimony from Chinese Abortion Doctors Who Enforced the One-Child Policy

by Mar 5, 2020Culture, Worldview3 comments

From the difficult-to-watch documentary (available on Netflix), One Child Nation. So profoundly sad and sobering.

For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them

(Romans 2:14–15 ESV)

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Did Evangelical Snowflakes Censor the Bible?

Did Evangelical Snowflakes Censor the Bible?

Salon.com recently published an interview with sociologist Samuel L. Perry titled, “When Evangelical Snowflakes Censor the Bible: The English Standard Version Goes PC.” And I got a reply to all this: Nuh-uh! Let me elaborate that answer, however, because “nuh-uh”...

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  1. Dave

    Lacey and I just watched this last month. I felt ashamed at my ignorance of the whole thing.

    • Mark Ward

      They had reasons for not wanting the world to be as aware as the documentary makes us.

  2. Katie R

    I remember as a teen learning of the child sacrifice to Moloch and thinking how barbaric some dark ancient cultures were. Blind, wicked people.

    But understanding what is really going on today, around the world or in my own hometown, to the gods of government, self, and convenience: it’s too awful to comprehend. I hope this cannot go on for more years until history justly despises us.

    Dear God, send the Redeemer!