Good Interview about Bible Clutter

by Jun 24, 2016Bible Typography

Interesting: Tony Reinke talks to Glenn Pauw of Biblica about my Bible Typography Manifesto. Well, okay, they never mention it by name, but you can tell it’s what they have in mind… Do give it a read.

It’s so funny to me that ideas like these come in waves. Why didn’t anyone say this stuff in 1976? Or 1946? Or did they? I did find a reader’s edition of the KJV NT from the 1930s once. So someone else in the history of the church thought about “Bible clutter” at some point. I guess modernism really is this powerful force that shaped us all without anyone realizing how much it shaped us?

I can’t be sure that my interest in removing chapter and verse numbers from the text of Scripture arose independently. I think I may have heard a small comment about it from a professor, a seed which grew into something of a personal project. I know I picked up a verseless and chapterless Bible edition—and then a whole case of them to sell to friends—around 2006. And I have evidence on my computer that I was doing something like this to the book of Romans in 2004. Why would this hit me the same time it’s hitting so many others? I just don’t know.

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