Insights from Cool People that Know Stuff About Things

by Mar 25, 2016Bible Typography

I like working with cool people who know stuff about things. I was talking about Bible typography with one such person at my office recently, an editor at Lexham Press, and he made a little comment that belongs on my Internet weblog:

It’s wrong to say that if you can’t articulate something, not only can you not understand it but you haven’t really experienced it.

What he meant, in context, was that there is a real difference between the experience you have with the Bible when it looks like this…


…and when it looks like this:


That difference is significant even if you can’t explain it and indeed have never articulated it, even to yourself.

One must needs be careful going around and telling others that things they haven’t realized are true nonetheless. But in this case I’m prepared to make a case. Bible Typography Matters.

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ESV Reader’s Bible, Six-Volume Set: A “New” Old Bible

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Good Interview about Bible Clutter

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