by Aug 26, 2010Culture, Humor

Islamic Contemporary Music was profiled recently in the NY Times. This line jumped out at me (where he says “music” I think you can safely read “pop music”):

“People say you can’t mix God and music,” Tamer said. “But we’re trying to show you can.”

Interestingly, the story features author Timil al-Fishra, an opponent of ICM, and his book The Jihad for Islamic Music. A younger upstart also opposed to ICM is Faroud “Scott” Al-iol and his book No Sounds in Worship.

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Review: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

Review: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution by Carl R. Trueman.My rating: 5 of 5 stars I'm hoping to publish in a journal a more extensive review of this excellent—though long and at times...

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