A Clear and Present Word by Mark D. Thompson

by Feb 6, 2008Uncategorized1 comment

I’ve been reading a fantastic book called A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture by Moore Theological College’s Mark D. Thompson. It’s part of the New Studies in Biblical Theology series, edited by D.A. Carson.

Moore Theological College brings a few names to my mind: Peter D. O’Brien, Graeme Goldsworthy, and a new name whose work on verbal aspect (the latest volume in the Studies in Biblical Greek series) I have to admit is beyond me right now, Con Campbell. Ah, yes, and John A. L. Lee. He wrote a very entertaining volume in the SBG series on the history of New Testament lexicography. The Brits/Aussies seem to write their academic literature with a bit more verve than we Americans do. Maybe I’m wrong.

Back to Thompson’s book…

Thompson makes probably one major point: God goes with His Word. This truth makes the author-reader relationship for the Bible totally unique. Obviously, this truth does not guarantee that all Bible readers will arrive at the same—correct—interpretations. Sin enters the mix through the Fall’s noetic effects. But we can have real confidence (con+fide; i.e., faith) that God’s word is understandable despite modern and postmodern challenges to that faith.

I hope to make some more comments on the book in future posts.

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1 Comment
  1. Jacob Young


    I’m presently starting to read through this book, and in a google search came across your blog where you mention enjoying it as well. I know the book read was about a year and half ago for you, but I was wondering if you had any more thoughts on the book than what you’ve posted here? You mentioned writing more on your blog about it, but I was unable to locate it – sorry if I missed it! Thanks for your time, and may the Lord Jesus bless you brother.
