All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes 5

by Jan 30, 2008Uncategorized1 comment

Ken Myers calls the “Music Comparison Chart” idea (“if you like artist ‘A’ in secular music, then there’s a good chance you’ll like some of the music of ‘B’ in Christian music”) “striving to conform to the world.”

It’s refreshing to see a non-partisan like Myers say something like this, something so apparent and yet so much denied, even derided.

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Quick Answer to a Question about Complementarianism

Quick Answer to a Question about Complementarianism

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Interview Book Review

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1 Comment
  1. Aholiab

    I understand something of the biblical requirement that we be separated from a Temple of Idols. But when I read 1 Cor. 5:10, I wonder if our separation is *not* to be _Associational_ (don’t do the general cultural stuff that unbelievers do, often stylistic stuff) but rather _Ethical_ (keep God’s Moral Law). If we should be Ethical Separatists rather than Associational Separatists, while I see Myers’ point as a matter of regret (Why aren’t we the cultural leaders?), I don’t see it as necessary error. On the other hand, if we are especially supposed to be Associational Separatists, then I would see your point.

    What do you think?