
Homosexuality and Worldview

I've spent the last year and a half immersed in understanding the Christian worldview and explaining it to twelfth graders. The last few days I've done a lot of writing on homosexuality (after many years of reading on the topic in articles and books), and I just came...

Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Conference Streaming Live

Yesterday and today I've been watching some of the sessions of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission National Conference; they're streaming live. Here's the schedule. The theme is issues of gender and sexuality, which I happen to be writing on at this very...

The Self-Dynamiting Doctrine of Papal Infallibility

A faithful and intelligent Catholic, New York Times opinion writer Ross Douthat, offers some helpful reflections on papal infallibility: On paper, that doctrine seems to grant extraordinary power to the pope—since he cannot err, the First Vatican Council declared in...

Rethinking Rethinking Jepthah’s Foolish Vow

Evangelical OT scholar Miles Van Pelt, co-author of a biblical Hebrew textbook and academic dean at RTS Jackson, knows a thing or ten about the Old Testament. And I only know a thing. But I still respectfully disagree with the small article he posted yesterday on...

The Declaration of Independence Proves to Be An Illusion

Satan led humankind into covenant disobedience. He tempted humankind to reject the rule of Yahweh and to issue their "declaration of independence" from their Creator. The consequences are devastating. When communion with the Creator of life is broken, death inevitably...

No Popes for You

I just posted "No Popes for You" over at the BJU School of Religion blog. Check it out.

Chantry vs. Frame

A blog reader sent me this post some months ago, a critique of John Frame by Reformed Baptist pastor Tom Chantry (son of Walter). I'm certain Tom is a brother in Christ with whom I would share a great deal of agreement, and I had no wish to write a public critique of...

The Wisdom of Men and the Power of God

Read this this morning: And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in...

Is Genesis 1-2 Poetry? A Bloggable Thought from the Bible Faculty Summit

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Bible Faculty Summit (here's their brand new website, made last night real late and not quite complete...), held this year at Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. Here's just one bloggable thought coming out of the...

Classic Fish

Forget Van Til—the secret of his unreadability is out: he actually wrote in Dutch but used English letters! No wonder no one can understand the guy! It's time you got your presuppositionalism the easy and fun way: Stanley Fish. Read this, it's astounding.