I shared the following devotional message with my church’s Israel tour group this past summer. I was able to preach this from within the walls of ancient Jericho. It was a very special experience and opportunity. God is creator of the whole world, not just Jews and...
Awesome Buy!
I simply don't know how this guy at Rejoice Christian Software does it. The John Frame Theology Collection for $60 instead of $220! I am so tempted... SO tempted! But I own most of these books already, I'm going to have to guess that a lot of those articles are...
Quarrels About Words
Some months ago Dane Ortlund posted an excellent meditation on 1 Tim 6:4, …an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people… “Quarrels about words.” That hit...
Barack Obama is God’s Servant for My Good
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way (1 Tim 2:1–2). In obedience to...
Found It!
I have looked fruitlessly for this quotation a number of times, and I finally just stumbled across it: It is not biblical to say that the only virtues God can require of me are the ones that I am good enough to perform. If I am so bad that I can’t delight in what is...
Charles Hodge on Free Will
I've read a good number of pages on the nature of the human will recently, and little has been as helpful on free will as Charle's Hodge's brief summary in his Systematic Theology. He speaks of three views of the will: necessity, contingency, and certainty. I won't go...
The Fear of Aslan
I just wrote a little section in my dissertation on the fear of the Lord. Proverbs 1:7 reads, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Fear (יִרְאָה) in this verse is certainly used often in the phrases “fear of God” or “fear of the Lord,” but it is also...
Schreiner on Jewish Expectations
I’ve always heard that the Jewish people of Jesus’ day expected their Messiah to be a political savior and not so much a spiritual one. Jesus will be both one day, of course, but His ministry in the first century certainly emphasized the spiritual. He therefore didn’t...
True, man!
“The truth or superiority of neither Catholicism or Protestantism is to be determined by the parlous levels of ignorance, historical, ecclesiastical, and theological, prevalent among their respective adherents.” —Carl Trueman
Vote for Me!
Stanley Fish is at it again, and so am I. He wrote this, and I wrote this: I love to read Fish's columns, and I recently used my birthday money to buy my first Fish book. =) I want to register my amazement that few commenters ever seem to understand what Fish is...
John’s Frame Tetralogy
John Frame’s tetralogy is about to be completed. The Doctrine of the Word of God (DWG) is, according to one person who seems to know, supposed to be released next month. That means you need to go to this page immediately and download the pre-release PDFs of DWG,...
Updated NIV Goes Live Nov 1
News Flash: The new NIV update will be available for online reading Nov 1. Anecdote: I learned a lesson a few years ago from one of my teachers. The ESV Study Bible had just come out, and I was as excited as the rest of the miniscule portion of the blogosphere that I...