
Alan Jacobs: The Hermeneutics of Love

Anything combining love and epistemology fascinates me, so I've thought of the following excerpt from Alan Jacobs' challenging book A Theology of Reading: The Hermeneutics of Love many times. If he or his publisher believes that including an excerpt of this length (I...

Good Point in John Frame’s New Systematic Theology

John Frame's new Systematic Theology starts out with a good point, one I've always (at least since reading Frame) felt is important: This is not Frame's way of evading the careful spade-work necessary to form up a good theological definition. His book (I'm confident...

Buy this!

Frame's new Systematic Theology, 50% off—you won't get a better deal for a long time. I have a review copy (electronic) right now, and I can tell you it's worth having.

Smith on Genesis 1 and Societal Institutions

I derived some real profit from this James K. A. Smith editorial and the entire issue of Comment in which it appeared. Read the issue on a single flight; very convenient. I'm not quite on Smith's theological page—I've not read enough to discern exactly what page he's...

A Good Intro to the Neo-Calvinism vs. Two Kingdoms Debate

From an excellent, brief article on Neo-Calvinism vs. Two Kingdoms theology by David Koyzis: From my readings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, John Rawls and many other professed liberals, I have come to conclude that liberalism must be understood in terms of its...

WallBuilders and Media Ecology

  I met an interesting, globe-trotting conservative Pentecostal technology wonk at a conference I recently attended. A sharp guy who has done significant thinking and speaking about the problems created in our brains by the overuse and misuse of technology,...

C.S. Lewis on the Myth of Scientism

C.S. Lewis on the Myth of Scientism

Those who accept theology are not necessarily being guided by taste rather than reason. The picture so often painted of Christians huddling together on an ever narrower strip of beach while the incoming tide of "Science" mounts higher and higher corresponds to nothing...

KJVOism and Circular Reasoning in a Small Circle

This thought occurred to me the other day: the KJV-Only use of Psalm 12:6–7 is circular reasoning. Some people will hear that as the ultimate put-down. If someone can successfully prove that another person is guilty of assuming his conclusion in all the reasons he...

A Vision of the Good

One of the reasons Harvard prof Michael Sandel's book Justice was the most memorable book I read last year—and the biggest reason I highly recommend it—is that it makes one excessively important point: you can't not have a vision of the good. You read that right. It's...

Christian Convert to Islam from Greenville, SC

Every once in a while an Internet rabbit trail leads to something exceptionally interesting. Yesterday I stumbled across the video above. I began to watch as Josh (now "Yusha") Evans related his testimony of conversion from Christianity to Islam. It turns out Josh is...

Reza Aslan’s Zealot

I heard Reza Aslan in an interview on NPR a few weeks ago describing to a fawning* interviewer his book Zealot, a brand new title which purports to describe "The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth." I got the definite impression that Aslan (what a sadly ironic name!)...