The grand prize winner of my recent drawing, selected by random number generation, is… Drum roll, if you please! C. Howard of G., South Carolina! No, that’s too obvious. Let’s try “Chris H. of Greenville, SC”! Chris gets a Bible and a big collection of theological and...
Prizes Reminder!
Today is the last day you can enter to win an innovative Bible and/or a massive set of collected articles. You just have to be a more or less regular reader of this blog (no subscribing just to win a prize). Click here before the stroke of midnight tonight!
Βλογάπη Readership Prize Drawing
I have two mildly awesome prizes to give away. Do you want them? All you have to do is follow my rules and fill in a form. There will be five winners, including one grand-prize champion. Winners will be selected at random. Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! A copy of the Bible...
An acquaintance recently wrote me: I took your seminar a few years ago on electronic filling and it has helped immensely. I've even moved to a different seminary, and it is still an effective system. In a summer course the other day, a fellow student bemoaned not...
Dissertation Progress
I have added two tickers to my widgets. Don’t we all? Check them out beneath my Feedburner count widget on the right side of the home page, and pray for me if you would. I want my dissertation to be a benefit, however small, to the church. At least my own.
One More Excerpt from Alan Jacobs’ Latest Book
Jonathan Swift, Jacobs says, looked for “some method . . . for ascertaining and fixing our language for ever.” Jacobs comments: This is a recurrent theme among linguistic academicians and their allies: a deep conviction that the dominant usage of their own time—or,...
Pictures from Israel
Forward Design Business Card
Click here for more info.
Mebbe Tevye
I was somewhat skeptical about the value of touring Israel before I found out I was going myself! I am no longer skeptical. I do believe in the value of a visit and a thorough tour. Let me list off some of the benefits of my two-week trip: It is valuable to stand on...
I'm off to Israel early tomorrow morning. The Lord provided funds for me to go for two weeks with my pastor. I hope to provide a few updates from the field. Mebbe (as they say in Hebrew—rhymes with "Rebbe") daily ones. Mebbe.
New E-mail Subscription Option
You can now subscribe to my blog via e-mail and get each post in its entirety instead of only an excerpt. If that interests you, click here. My old e-mail subscription option has been turned off.
Chronological Snobbery
I don’t want to be, but I think I’ve been stuck in what C.S. Lewis calls “chronological snobbery.” I pick up an old book—most recently, Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics—and I can’t really read it without my fingers crossed. I can never shake the...