Christians Should Be the Most Gracious and Edifying People on Social Media
I like Alastair Roberts. Here's some wisdom for you (emphasis mine): Progressive versus conservative evangelical spats are one of the very worst things about Twitter, which is really saying something. Such arguments illustrate just how poor a medium Twitter can be for productive conversation, not least on account of its tendency to foreground some of the shrillest and most antagonistic voices on both sides and privilege reactive instinct over considered response. What results is generally more...
Psalm 2 at Christmas
I was given the privilege of preaching briefly this morning at my church after our annual Christmas program, and I chose what might seem an odd passage for Christmas: Psalm 2. During the time of year at which we are celebrating what is in one sense the beginning of Jesus’ story, the birth of the Lord’s Anointed, the Messiah, it is appropriate for us to look to the end of Jesus’ story, too. And, interestingly enough, the end was predicted before the beginning. This psalm, written probably at...

Condoms and Consent
Mark Regnerus in Public Discourse: Saying that it’s all on men to change their behavior may signal progressive virtue online, but it will do little to diminish real-life grief. The realities of sexual exchange will not disappear and cannot be eviscerated by fiat or reformed by speech rules. And eventually, the social media shaming will come to an end. Then what? Regnerus suggests establishing and/or reinforcing cultural norms, clear “no-fly” zones in which men know not to make a pass and women...

Authorized on Lexicon Valley
Check out my interview with John McWhorter on his Lexicon Valley podcast! McWhorter actually read the book, and I concur with him when he says in the piece, "I get it, Mark." He does, he clearly does. I'm praying that a lot of Christians join him in getting it. And for you faithful blog readers, here's a small bonus part of the interview that got cut from the final product: Image of John McWhorter from Pre-order Authorized now at Amazon or Lexham/Logos; the price may change after the...
The Labels “Republican” and “Evangelical” for a Christian Pilgrim
A top-rated relative asked me what I thought of Peter Wehner's piece in the New York Times, "Why I Can No Longer Call Myself An Evangelical Republican." This was my reply: *** I kept saying "Amen" the whole time. I feel the pain of anyone who is sick, sick, sick of being "evangelical" and "Republican" in the Trump era. Republican But as for formal voter registration, I remain registered as a Republican and will continue to do so as long as 1) there are effectively only two political parties in...