Proof of what is unseen.



Proof of what is unseen.


Thrilla in Greenvilla, Round 3

I challenged my good friend Brian Collins to a public discussion: electronic books vs. paper books. I started off by listing all the stuff I'd bought from Logos and other electronic sources. (I got one moderately nasty comment that I did not post, someone marveling at how much I'd spent. Remember that 1) I was single during most of those purchases, 2) I was in the foundational stages of building my ministerial library, and 3) a third of the money I spent came from one gift at the end of my...

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George vs. (?) Beckwith

I found this video deeply disturbing and disappointing. I love the gospel, and to see it obscured by a former ETS president and the author of an excellent commentary on Galatians—of all books—was a painful frustration. In the discussion, held before an audience at Wheaton College, Timothy George, a Southern Baptist ecumenist, talks with Frances Beckwith, the ETS president who reverted to Roman Catholism three years ago. In Galatians 2, Paul describes how he opposed Peter (yes, that Peter)...

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Another Note from the Tilt-A-Whirl

This book is just full of bons mots: The Greeks were right. Live in fear of a grinding end and a dank hereafter. Unless you know a bigger God, or better yet, are related to Him by blood. —N. D. Wilson, Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl

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BJU Seminary Retreat

The Father of lights gave a good gift to me this past weekend, a retreat to the Wilds with most of my fellow BJU Seminary students. I enjoyed the preaching, the God-honoring music, the many discussions with individual professors, the conversations with other students, the faculty testimonies, and even the Q&A session (something I often find myself dreading in similar gatherings). Dr. Hankins, president of the Seminary, did a fine job of corralling the Q&A, trying to keep it on track...

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