
The Best Things Have Been Calumniated

I love Logos 4. Google eBooks may one day supersede it; I don’t think so, but who knows? But right now Logos 4 is the best think you can buy if you want to gather a serious software library of scholarly level Bible study materials. For what it’s worth, here are a few...

Quarrels About Words

Some months ago Dane Ortlund posted an excellent meditation on 1 Tim 6:4, …an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people… “Quarrels about words.” That hit...

Tyndale Tech Tips

David Instone-Brewer at Tyndale House, an evangelical study center at Cambridge, just released an excellent set of tips on word-processing. He has made it part of his mission to help biblical scholars (and all of us wannabes) use their computers wisely. There’s a...

Schreiner on Jewish Expectations

I’ve always heard that the Jewish people of Jesus’ day expected their Messiah to be a political savior and not so much a spiritual one. Jesus will be both one day, of course, but His ministry in the first century certainly emphasized the spiritual. He therefore didn’t...

SBL GNT for BibleWorks

Michael Hanel gave us an evening, and we get the SBL GNT for BibleWorks. Thanks, Michael! We needed a free, Unicode critical GNT.

Seminary Project Lab Workshops and Live Webcast

The following is a promo for Duncan Johnson’s sure-to-be-valuable lectures. I strongly urge guys training for the ministry to go to or watch at least the first two. I use a different system than Zotero, but if you have no system, go to the third one as well! Saturday,...

Praise for Hodge

Mark Noll writes in the New Dictionary of Theology the following praise of Charles Hodge (whose Systematic Theology I’ve recently been dipping into with some heart-warming profit): He occasionally misread his opponents to their disadvantage; but by and large, he...

Seductive Etymologies

Etymological studies have long been an alluring seductress to students of the Bible. .... Etymological studies, through no fault of their own, have become a menace to sound interpretation. Those who sometimes maintain only the slightest grasp of the Bible's original...

Language As a Tool of Theology

John Frame is someone from whom I’ve learned a great deal, and the learning continues. I found his chapter on language in his Doctrine of the Knowledge of God to be so helpful that I wanted to share the material with you. Frame begins the little section I’ll excerpt...

Periodic Reminder

I’m the semi-official Logos Bible Software representative for BJU. Honestly, I’d rather your money go through the Campus Store, but there are some details which haven’t fallen into place there yet. Here is the discount link for BJU faculty, staff, and students:...

Seminary Survival Labs

Half of the readers of this blog, Duncan Johnson, will be giving a series of lectures you should attend if you’re in the Greenville area. Here’s the info: Saturday, April 3, 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. Computer Classroom, Mack Library Turning in quality seminary...