I just posted the following in a Facebook group composed largely by pastors who graduated from KJV-Only institutions. One asked which schools group members would recommend for a youth pastor. I jotted out some thoughts I’ve been wanting to send to the KJV-Only...
Arguing Textual Criticism on Facebook. What Have I Become?
I won’t argue textual criticism with those who insist on the exclusive use of the King James Version. But that doesn’t mean I won’t argue textual criticism. Here’s the tack I’m taking nowadays, something I’ve been working on for a while. It coincides with a paper I’m...
New Bible Study Magazine
Brand new Bible Study Magazine is out, and I got to do a lot of fun stuff in this particular issue!
Paul’s Positive Religious Affections
Someone recently asked me for an abstract of my dissertation, Paul’s Positive Religious Affections, and I realized I’d never written one up. Here goes. Six times in the NT the Spirit of the Lord led Paul to tell his readers to imitate him (2 Thess 3:7; 1 Cor 4:16;...
The Preserved Word of God for English-Speaking Peoples
“Preserved” is the key word in KJV-Onlyism these days. Just about every KJV-Only doctrinal statement I see uses that word “preserved.” But I’ve been thinking for a long time along with famous systematic theologian Inigo Montoya, I do not think it means what they think...
A Few Lessons I Learned about Learning
I recently had occasion to reflect on what I concluded about teaching from my own years sitting under it. As I enter more teaching roles, I have to ask myself, “What makes for good learning?” Learning is ultimately a mystery, because so little of what I do, so little...
KJVParallelBible.org Launches!
I’ve been so busy with the launch of Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible, I failed to announce the soft launch of KJVParallelBible.org to either of my blog readers! The launch is “soft” because it’s a strong proof-of-concept, not a full New...
I’ve Got an Article in a New Book
The new Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia has an article in it from yours truly, namely “Love.” A few friends have credits, too, including (but not limited to) Joe Tyrpak on David Brainerd (he wrote his DMin dissertation on Brainerd); Ryan Martin; and Nathan Lentfer. I...
What Erasmus Thought of the First of Luther’s 95 Theses
The first of Luther’s 95 Theses was basically a critique of Jerome’s translation of “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Jerome had translated this poenitentiam agite, which renders something like “Do penance.” Luther, just a few months after writing the 95...
Conservatives and Liberals in Biblical Studies
Josh Berman, professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University and author of the Oxford title Inconsistency in the Torah: Ancient Literary Convention and the Limits of Source Criticism, writes: In biblical studies, there are two types of practitioners: genuine scholars, and...
Why I Attended the Bible Faculty Summit
Last week I attended the Bible Faculty Summit, held this year at Appalachian Bible College. I thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship, the papers, and the hospitality shown by the school (and particularly the faculty liaison, John Rinehart). It was something of a grueling...
Dan Wallace on Textual Criticism
I just finished listening to three dozen half-hour lectures by Dan Wallace on textual criticism. They were masterful, absolutely superb. And they're free online at Credo House. Wallace is an engaging lecturer with incomparable (among evangelicals) direct experience...