
BibleWorks and Your Hundreds of Hours Studying Greek

Rod Decker's blog is definitely a must-subscribe for those who love the Greek New Testament. I strongly amen the note he plays in this post, the same note played (on a saxophone, in this case) by Con Campbell, someone who is also very serious about Greek. The upshot:...

1Marks Interview Series

At this year's very enjoyable BJU Seminary retreat at the Wilds, Dr. Robert Bell kindly agreed to sit for the first interview in what I hope to make a series, the 1Marks Interview Series. (While other ministries can afford to hire multiple Marks, βλογάπη has only one,...

Technology Giveth; Technology Taketh Away

The line at the end of this paragraph is brilliant, brilliant! Thank you Lev Grossman of Time! This is a truth I’m convinced our generation of Bible students and pastors must get, or we’ll miss out on true riches.  [Google] Wave isn't actually an e-mail killer....

Linguist-Translator with Valuable Insight on Bible Translation

Ernst-August Gutt, an author recommended to me by David Bell, has changed my wavering opinion on whether or not Bible translations should translate metaphors. You really need to read Gutt's whole—relatively brief—discussion to follow this, but try anyway: It is often...

Biblical Love 2: Response to the Father of Friends of This Blog

Don Johnson, a Canadian pastor and father (and father-in-law, respectively) of my good friends Duncan and Meg Johnson, offered a response to my last post on love, a post in which I argued that love is not an action: I have defined agape love as an act of the will for...

Biblical Love

First Corinthians 13:4–7 is a list of fifteen specific actions that love performs on behalf of other believers. That should immediately dispel the notion that love is primarily a feeling or an emotion. Although true love will carry emotion with it sometimes, feeling...

Sound Advice on BibleWorks, Logos, and Accordance

I agree with this guy. If you are wondering which Bible software to buy, his advice will help. I'll add one other thing: if you like keyboard shortcuts and overall computer quickness, BibleWorks beats Logos. Ok, one more thing: I have BibleWorks and Logos, and I don't...

Hat Steal

This is not just a hat tip; it's a hat steal. I had to get this absolutely brilliant content (written by a fellow graduate of my alma mater!) to both of my readers. Moisés Silva is an exegetically and linguistically careful scholar, and this is brilliant, just......

Greek and the Layperson

I wish for a day when no one but Greek students and avid C. S. Lewis fans knows the Greek words for love. Knowing them never seems to be much help to people in interpreting Scripture; frequently, instead, that knowledge is an impediment.

Gaffin Quoting Ridderbos on the History of Pauline Theology

A clever comment by Herman Ridderbos, quoted in Richard Gaffin's By Faith, Not By Sight, a book I bought in Libronix, transferred easily to my Kindle, and am reading currently: Herman Ridderbos has observed, taking in the history of interpretation of Paul in its...

Love and Hate; ἀγαπάω and μισέω

If hate is the opposite of love, as many passages indicate, then why don't we have a book called The Four Hates? Why don't preachers fulminate against the scary hate of a mother for her crying infant (ἀστοργέω [a + storge]), the emotional hate of one's ex-best-friend...

Enduring Counsel from B.B. Warfield

I regularly return to this enduring counsel from B. B. Warfield—required reading for all BJU seminarians who take Systematic Theology: A minister must be learned, on pain of being utterly incompetent for his work. But before and above being learned, a minister must be...