
True, man!

“The truth or superiority of neither Catholicism or Protestantism is to be determined by the parlous levels of ignorance, historical, ecclesiastical, and theological, prevalent among their respective adherents.” —Carl Trueman

Vote for Me!

Stanley Fish is at it again, and so am I. He wrote this, and I wrote this: I love to read Fish's columns, and I recently used my birthday money to buy my first Fish book. =) I want to register my amazement that few commenters ever seem to understand what Fish is...

Making God Famous

J.D. Crowley, God-glorifying missionary to Cambodia, has preached two excellent messages in the Bob Jones University chapel services these past two days. Here’s the first one. He said it all so well and illustrated it so wisely (and, at times, hilariously!). I can...

Intellectualism/Voluntarism and Evidentialism/Presuppositionalism

I’ve been digging into an old debate for my dissertation, the one between intellectualists and voluntarists. There is considerable variation in each category, probably more in the latter, but there are some common threads in each. Basically, intellectualists think...

Stanley Fish’s NYTimes.com Columns Are Usually Interesting

There are a few themes that have developed on this blog. Usage Determines Meaning. Technology gives and technology takes away. Think carefully about your Bible software purchases. The standard view of ἀγάπη love out there is suspect. Stanley Fish’s NYTimes.com columns...

Beckwith Back With Rome

Frances Beckwith, former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, has converted back to the Roman Catholicism of his youth. That’s old news as the blogosphere counts slackness. It’s becoming old news, too, that Dinesh D’Souza, who a lot of people thought was...

Preaching Ruts

I don’t preach incredibly often. Maybe an average of once or twice a month. But I still find that it’s easy to fall into ruts. I’ve been taught better, but my wheels still tend to press into the mud. I need help sometimes to see how wide the road is, how many biblical...

Vote for Me!

I like reading Stanley Fish’s posts at the New York Times, and he just came out with another one on the same theme he’s been hitting for a while. So I came out with a comment on the same theme I always write on when I comment on Fish’s posts. Click here and then vote...

Io voglio credere!

  One place I visited in Israel was the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, named after Jesus’ famous prediction of Peter’s denials. The site afforded a nice view of the Aceldama (see picture) and the intersection of the Hinnom and Kidron valleys. We didn’t go...

Tel Aviv Conversations

At the end of my Israel tour, Continental Airlines offered me a generous voucher if I would delay my flight from Tel-Aviv. They put me and one other volunteer up in a  beautiful brand new hotel downtown. The other volunteer, Kay*, was a very nice middle-aged...

An Arresting Metaphor

J. Gresham Machen, in “Christianity and Culture,” Princeton Theological Review, Vol. 11, 1913. The elimination of the supernatural in Christianity—so tremendously common today—really makes Christianity merely natural. Christianity becomes a human product, a mere part...

Frame Summarizes Van Til

I really do not have a very good understanding of the Van Til/Clark debates or the Frame/Ligonier debates, but I hope to grow in that understanding. These are all serious men worth taking seriously. For what it’s worth, here’s how Frame summarizes Van Til’s...