There’s a beautiful Christian camp I’ve been to many times which serves my hometown crowd of more or less independent, baptistic churches. Anybody who knows me can guess which camp I’m talking about, but please don’t: what I’m about to say applies to many, many...
Are There Critical Text Readings in the NKJV after All? A Nerdy and Detailed Response to a Set of Fair Questions.
Sometimes it takes people with the skeptical eye provided by a minority viewpoint to see things the majority cannot, comfortable as it is in its unquestioned worldview. Who questions what all “sane” people believe? We actually need a few conspiracy theories out there,...
Answering a Few More Objections to Authorized: Part 4, The New King James Version Uses Critical Text Readings
I’m in the midst of a short series answering objections to my viewpoint in Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible, objections that for various reasons didn’t make it into the book already. (Most objections I hear I already addressed.) Last Monday, we...
Answering a Few More Objections to Authorized: Part 3, You Are Pushing Modern Versions Onlyism
I’m in the midst of a short series answering objections to my viewpoint in Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible, objections that for various reasons didn’t make it into the book already. (Most objections I hear I already addressed.) On Monday, we...
Answering a Few More Objections to Authorized: Part 2, Not All False Friends Are False Friends to All Readers
I’m in the midst of a short series answering objections to my viewpoint in Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible, objections that for various reasons didn’t make it into the book already. (Most objections I hear I already addressed.) On Monday, we...
Answering a Few More Objections to Authorized: Part 1, The Modern Versions Are Copyrighted; They’re in It for the Money
Since its release, Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible has received what I would consider to be a very positive response. Except when it hasn’t. It’s one of those books that tends to collect mainly five-star and one-star reviews on Amazon. This is...
The Original Pronunciation for Shakespeare’s Plays
Well isn't this fascinating. Shakespeare's plays were pronounced significantly differently when they were originally performed. And we miss some humor and rhyming because of it. It is more than possible—and this video argues that it is pretty well universal—that...
Is the CSB Suitable for Expository Preaching? An Excerpt from my Sent Folder
A reader who attends Boyce College, the undergraduate school of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: I'm not going to keep you, this is the only question I will ask and then I'll simply follow you via social media; can I trust the CSB as an expository preacher?...
Graciously Engaging a KJV-Only Believer: The Story of God’s Grace in One Soul
Back in April of 2008, I was a PhD student in the beginning stages of my dissertation work, I was engaged to be married in a month to a beautiful woman from Ohio, and there were a bunch of black-suit-clad KJV-Only protesters out in front of my school, Bob Jones...
Two Reasons to Watch the Authorized Documentary on FaithlifeTV
The Authorized documentary has been out for a few months now, and lots more people than I ever expected have seen it. But I’m hearing that a number of friends, even close ones, haven’t seen it yet. Hey, it’s okay. I normally don’t watch documentaries with redheaded...
Kindle Price for Authorized Going Up 67% in Four Days
I am told that the Kindle price for Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible will be going up on April 1. Get it while you can! Gift it to others! At the Shepherds Conference two weeks ago, standing at the Lexham table all day, I got to hear multiple...
Wisdom from Peter Williams on Textual Criticism
Peter Williams is a treasure. These lectures contain some absolute gold, and they give me that lovely feeling of being right, of being validated by someone smarter than oneself. Indeed, some of his key points are things I have come to realize on my own—though he...