
Unwitting Support to the Enemy?

In her book Unprotected Texts: The Bible's Surprising Contradictions about Sex and Desire, Jennifer Knust assumes that because the patriarch Judah committed immorality with a woman he supposed to be a prostitute, the Bible takes an ambiguous stance toward...

Religious Liberty

The Supreme Court recently voted 5–4 to keep a Christian campus group at Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco from barring non-Christians from their group, homosexuals specifically. I’m decidedly against alarmism, but I believe this is quite a serious matter....

Bloggingheads at the NYT

I just watched a New York Times bloggingheads debate between Molly Ziegler Hemingway of Christianity Today  Sarah Posner of Religion Dispatches over the matter of same-sex marriage. Hemingway took what appears to me to be the most popular evangelical line, a...

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

I love Stanley Fish for his willingness and ability to see the bankruptcy of his employers. He regularly stands on the foundation which supports him and whacks at it with his prodigious intellectual sledgehammer. I admit I haven't read enough to see if he ever tries...

Linguistics, Homosexuality, and Friendship

Back in 2005, I wrote the following for the monthly newsletter I’m charged with producing: Touchstone recently dedicated its cover story to the disintegration of male friendships in American society. In the article, perceptive cultural observer Anthony Esolen noted...

Homosexuality, Serpents, and Doves

The tag-line for BJU's What in the World! newsletter is "helping believers be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." I borrowed, of course, the words of Jesus in Matt. 10:16 as He sends His disciples out on a preaching tour. Every sinful age demands that Christ's...

Pittsburgh Bishop Is Ousted – NYTimes.com

Picked this up from the New York Times, an AP story. Bishop Duncan, who led the Pittsburgh diocese for 11 years, is a leader in a national network of theological conservatives who are breaking away from the liberal denomination in a dispute over Scripture.[From...

Luke Timothy Johnson in a Fairminded Quotation

One of the most memorable and important quotations in the debates over homosexuality in the church: Luke Timothy Johnson, New Testament professor at Emory University, has openly admitted what few liberal Christian defenders of homosexuality will: “I think it important...