
A Philosophy of Church Websites

I posted this on my web design site some time ago, but I thought I'd share it with my blog readers. I started doing graphic design because I wanted Christian ministry materials to match the quality of their message. That was in a day when few churches had websites....

BJU Releases Music Document

My alma mater has released a policy document—more like a principles document—on music. If I understand correctly, one of the major drafters of the statement appears to be my church's beloved and respected assistant music director, Peter Davis. I do see in the document...

Review: Books of the Bible-NIV

Books of the Bible-NIV by Anonymous My rating: 4 of 5 stars The first thing people notice when I show them this Bible goes like this: "There are no verses!" Second thing: "There are no chapters!" Then I get an evaluation. Actual quotes: "Cool!" or "This is not a step...

Review: The Next Generation Leader

The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley My rating: 1 of 5 stars Stanley offers a summary of his views on leadership at the end of the book: Play to your strengths. Delegate your weaknesses. Be courageous. Be clear in the face of uncertainty. Find a leadership...

Review: The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind by Carl Trueman My rating: 3 of 5 stars I never miss a blog post from Carl Trueman. I’ve also enjoyed several of his books (Republocrat, Histories and Fallacies, The Creedal Imperative). So when Moody released a tiny Trueman...

How to Work Christianly

My esteemed coworker, Rachel Santopietro, is one of the three "stars" of this edifying video. And what she describes is what I do: I help Christian textbook authors integrate the Bible naturally and powerfully (at least that's the ideal!) into subjects from which...

Must-Read Articles by Roger Olson

Fascinating. Roger Olson (annoyingly clearheaded at times for someone I disagree with so frequently) argues that evangelicalism as a cohesive movement no longer exists. It took a figure with the stature of Billy Graham to hold it together, and with Graham off the...

Racism and Homophobia

Alarmists have been warning about coming American persecution of Christians—or exaggerating existing persecution—for a long time. It's a staple of those (supposedly type-written) fundraising letters sent out by parachurch groups. I've always been impatient and...

An Excellent BJU Chapel Message

My valued friend and one-time interview guest, BJU preaching instructor Kerry McGonigal, preached a great message in BJU chapel today. He used the whole book of 1 Peter to argue for a particular kind of response to our culture's intolerance of Christianity. I would...

Kevin Bauder on Fundamentalism and Scholarship

I often use my blog as a handy way for me to remember something—and the links below are something I want to have easy access to. They are the 12 short essays on Fundamentalism and Scholarship produced by Kevin Bauder of Central Seminary a few years back. Kevin has...