
Hat Steal

This is not just a hat tip; it's a hat steal. I had to get this absolutely brilliant content (written by a fellow graduate of my alma mater!) to both of my readers. Moisés Silva is an exegetically and linguistically careful scholar, and this is brilliant, just......

A Growing Chorus

What I'm struggling with is the encroachment of the buzz, the sense that there is something out there that merits my attention, when in fact it's mostly just a series of disconnected riffs and fragments that add up to the anxiety of the age.—From The Lost Art of...

Al Mohler on the Conservative Takeover of Southern Seminary

I've read about 200 pages of Gary Wills' history of Southern Seminary, including the final section on the Mohler years (I couldn't wait!), and I'm really enjoying it. God used James Boyce to perform Herculean tasks to keep the seminary alive in the early years, and...

Follow-up on a Very Old Post

Way back in February of '08 I was excited about a book I was reading and I blogged about it. The book was Mark D. Thompson's excellent A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture. A commenter recently happened upon that post and asked me if I had any further...

Bruce Ware Applies the Trinity

I just finished Bruce Ware's Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationship, Roles, and Relevance. It's quite clear what century the book was written in because Ware focuses a lot of attention—as well he should—on what the Trinity means for gender roles. But I found it...

Turn Right! Turn Right! Turn Right!

I once sold a cartoon to a magazine for $20. In a vain attempt to regain what amounted to a $120/hr job, I write down cartoon ideas regularly. Here was my latest, but so far I had thought it too cheeky to do anything with: Ha ha! Well, if you steal this idea, don't...

Books for Sale!

UPDATE: Some lots have sold. I got married and I have some extra books I want to sell. Here they are. Brand new, hardcover. $10. Brand new, shrink-wrapped, $22. A must-have. All the books on CD read by well-known actors plus a softcover single-volume edition of the...

NKJV Study Bible on Genesis 1:1–2

I'm reviewing the NKJV Study Bible right now, and here it is on Genesis 1:1–2: 1:1 ....Even though the word for God is plural, the verb for created is singular. It means "to fashion anew." This oft-used word in the Bible always has God as its subject. Here, it means...

Gaffin Quoting Ridderbos on the History of Pauline Theology

A clever comment by Herman Ridderbos, quoted in Richard Gaffin's By Faith, Not By Sight, a book I bought in Libronix, transferred easily to my Kindle, and am reading currently: Herman Ridderbos has observed, taking in the history of interpretation of Paul in its...

A Bunch of Us Are Going Bandwagon Jumping Tonight—Wanna Come??

This text courtesy of Logos' promotional department: Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at and...

Culture-Making: An Obligatory Disagreement

Andy Crouch’s Culture-Making has yielded some treasures of insight, helping me make something of my cultural and physical world ("making something of the world," in both of its possible senses, is his helpful definition of "culture"). But I have to disagree with his...