Bible Study Magazine Podcast Launches Today

by Oct 31, 2019Uncategorized2 comments

Faithlife’s brand new Bible Study Magazine podcast, hosted by yours truly, launches today.

​The first season of twelve episodes (four available today; one released per week after this) is focused on how to achieve and promote biblical literacy.

In the first episode, I talk to Kevin Vanhoozer about biblical illiteracy—and I manage to sneak in a reference to Stanley Fish.

Other episodes talk about the story of the Bible, canon, textual criticism, and other topics relevant to biblical literacy. My guests include Vern Poythress, Leland Ryken, Trevin Wax, Wendy Widder, Peter Gurry, and others.

(Just so you know: they didn’t tell me they were doing a photo shoot, and I don’t normally wear hats to work. I’m not that cool.)

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  1. Stephen Dunning

    Hi. I can’t find an RSS feed for the podcast, so I can’t subscribe to it with my podcast software. Can you help, please?