I just watched this four times in a row. While getting *lots* of other work done. Love these SNOBS.
Is there a better tag in all of barbershop?
I just watched this four times in a row. While getting *lots* of other work done. Love these SNOBS.
Is there a better tag in all of barbershop?
Scott Aniol’s new book, By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, argues at length against the architects of missional evangelism—not because Aniol thinks the attractional model (of Hybels, Warren, et al.) is better, but because he doesn’t see...
I finally got my copy. It's the culmination of my nine years at BJU Press and the one book of mine most likely to actually get read: Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption, a 12th grade Bible textbook for Christian and home schools. But I can't say the book is...
I liked this so much that I just don't wanna apply critical thinking to it. It felt right, so it's right. Don't ask me any questions about it. Just listen to it. It's only a few minutes long. Okay?
Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption now has a promo page on bjupress.com. If you haven't yet purchased a copy, you will want to do so now that there is a promo page. Bryan Smith, the presenter on the video there, is the one whose vision I was trying to live...
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I love that you are a Barbershop fan! What a great ‘added’ dimension to Mark Ward! 🙂