Kurt Aland Says “Nein” to Textual Errors in the New Testament

by Mar 30, 2015ChurchLife, NTScholarship, Theology2 comments

Interesting video featuring legendary New Testament textual critic Kurt Aland:

At the very end of the video there is an interview with Aland, and from it I took the following stills. First the interviewer (in German, of course) asks Aland whether there might be any errors in the Bible:

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Aland clarifies, basically: “You mean errors in the text of the Bible as we now have it?”

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And he proceeds to answer the question definitively:

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HT: Peter M. Head

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  1. Claudia Anderson

    Galatians 4:17 provides a possible insight into how the text and translations issue, as we know it today, began and gained a foothold in the household of faith.

    “They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them.” (KJV)

  2. Dustin B.

    This is so awesome.