Tyndale House on Christian Scholarship

by Aug 27, 2014NTScholarship

Got this from the Tyndale House, an academic ministry you should be aware of. This strikes me as just the right note to play:

As we celebrate 70 years of service of the church, we are looking to increase and develop the work of Tyndale House and to raise up a new generation of Bible scholars whose desire is to serve the global church. The use of the library has risen by about 20% in just over a year and we’re planning to add new desks in the library in the coming months.

In an age where misinformation is so easy to obtain, there is arguably more need than ever for scholars of the Bible who have spent time studying the primary sources within an environment where they are encouraged to dedicate their lives to equipping the church.


With very warmest regards,

Peter Williams and Brad Green

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