Classic Fish

by Jul 31, 2014Theology3 comments

200px-Cornelius_Van_Tilstanley fishForget Van Til—the secret of his unreadability is out: he actually wrote in Dutch but used English letters! No wonder no one can understand the guy!

It’s time you got your presuppositionalism the easy and fun way: Stanley Fish. Read this, it’s astounding.

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A Jot of My Thoughts on My Dissertation, a Decade On

A Jot of My Thoughts on My Dissertation, a Decade On

I basically finished my dissertation a decade ago. Paul’s Positive Religious Affections. It’s available on Kindle and print-on-demand just in case anyone wants it. In it I basically argued that Paul is meant to be a model in his affections and not just in his theology...

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  1. mitrellim

    Great article by Fish. The comment section was rather sad to read however. Many people are simply unwilling to give up absolute objectivity. But, I must note that I did stop reading the comments before Hitler came up, so I suppose I didn’t read enough.

  2. etaNG

    Thanks for sharing this. I think Fish should translate Van Til. @mitrellim — fun to find you here.

  3. Austin B.

    The Fish article was worth reading just for the double take he forced me to do on that phrase “every reason to believe.” I’m embarrassed to be constantly confronted by ideas like this that, once I DO get them, I can’t imagine how I missed them.

    I would love to see you write something on that catchphrase “Every Reason to Believe.”