Mark Ward Speaking at BJU Greek Forum

by Mar 28, 2014Bible Software

My dissertation committee chairman is still skeptical that I ever learned μι any Greek, but I’m pretty sure I did. Any anyway, I’m not really going to be talking about Greek at the Greek forum but about Bible software. Here’s the official announcement from the Greek department. You’re welcome to come:

This semester’s BJU Greek forum will be held on Thursday, April 10 from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in Lecture Room A. The forum is presented by Dr. Mark Ward who graduated from BJU with a PhD in New Testament Interpretation and currently works on the Biblical Worldview Team at the BJU Press.  Dr. Ward’s lecture is entitled, “Which Bible Software Should I Buy? Logos, BibleWorks, or Accordance?

I’ve done some real work for this, and I promise an informative, entertaining, and not-overtime time.

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